How to Get ‘‘Rich’’ Using

 Penny Stocks

Daniel Regan

How to Profit from Penny Stocks

You’ve seen them, haven’t you? Those alluring ads...

‘‘Buy this program, this book, this course or follow my trades and make $50,000 a day!’’

Sounds great, right? I mean, how could you go wrong by following such a great trader in their trades? When you know how trading works, it’s quite obvious why you can’t get ‘‘rich’’ from these tactics. And this article will help you understand—there may even be something for the experienced trader too. 

Empty those cups, because you’re about to learn something valuable. 

How Traders Use You to Make More Money

When a stock gets an influx of buyers, the stock price goes up. It quickly levels out again, however...

So when you’re following a trader, they can buy just about whatever stock they choose—as long as it’s stable. Once his thousands of followers buy, the stock price gets a bump. The trader sells, and he nets a healthy profit, and so do a fortunate few of his followers. 

But the majority, as the stock drops again, end up breaking even or loosing a lot of money. 

And that’s why this strategy doesn’t work. But don’t worry—penny stocks are a very viable option. All you need are the right strategies. 

Only one problem with that. Traders don’t usually share their strategies. 

So... Why Don’t Traders Share Their Strategies? 

Trading is like any old business—minus the clients. 

When you share your strategies, you’re essentially creating competition for yourself. Something that most traders don’t want, for obvious reasons. 

But the trading landscape is vast, and this kind of paranoia, to me, is unfounded. 

But at least these paranoid traders are actually trading. They do know, and use, strategies that work. They’ve put in the hours and they’re reaping the rewards. If they don’t want to share their strategies—whatever the reason—it’s their prerogative. 

There’s another type of trader, you see. Those who happily share their strategies. Only their strategies don’t work. 

What they’ve discovered is that it’s a lot easier to sell some BS product for profits than to actually learn how to properly trade. 

And that’s the problem we’re facing—and looking to solve—before the end of this post. 

Why don’t we do it with a case study...

20 Years of Losing  

I blew more than $10,000 when I first got into trading. I bought every product, every stupid recommendation, every bad stock—I bought it all. And I realized that I would need to learn on my own. That no one was going to help me—truly help me. 

Now, after almost 20 years of learning and profiting, I want to help you to avoid the pitfalls I fell into. 

Then again, the stock landscape has changed a lot since I first got into it, so using myself is a bad example. 

So I’ll use Tom, who has been trading for 20 years with no success. Could the information I have finally help Tom turn a profit? 

How Tom Finally Turned the Tables

So here’s Tom, a young, bright–eyed youth looking to get into trading. After some online research (back in the stone age of internet), he decided penny stock seemed like a good idea. 

I mean, all you need is one good trade and you’re a millionaire, right? 

Well, as Tom soon learned, that’s not how penny stocks (or any stocks, really) work. Tom had to find this out the hard way. 

All he needed was the right teacher, right? So he began his search while trading in stocks along the way...

20 years later, Tom still hadn’t found this ‘‘right teacher’’. And he’d lost more than he won on the market. 

That’s when he found something special. 

Daniel Regan


Penny Stocks Behind the Scenes 1:

Glance into the World of Penny Stocks

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A Free Book... The Answer to Everything? 

Yes, I know. It sounds too good to be true. A free book is your key to profiting in the stock market? 

Well, it probably shouldn’t be phrased like that. Here’s how it really works...

A free book can give you the foundation you need to formulate winning strategies that consistently profit from the penny stock market. 

Yes, that’s it. And that’s exactly what Tom found. A free book sent right to his door.

I’ll tell you how you can get it in a second, but let’s see how it worked out for Tom first...

And this, by the way, is his real testimonial. 

Hi Daniel I have been a penny stock guy for over 20 years. I lost more than I won. After reading your book I realized why the odds were stacked up against me. I plan on reading your book again 2-3 more times till I get this right. Thanks for this excellent book well worth it. Great course!

— Tom

...45 x 100 = $4500 x 25 contracts = $112,500 profit! It was my best trade ever. This never would have happened without your course and e-book. Thanks so much!

— Mark

So there you have it. Now that Tom has the strategy to make profits, he’s excited to get back into the market with renewed purpose. 

But before I conclude this post, let’s talk about a guy who made a profit of over $100k. 

The Quick Story of Mark and a $100k Profit

Mark got hold of my book, used it to trade, and quickly made a healthy profit. I won’t get into the technicalities of this now, but here’s his real testimonial:

More of these stories pour in every day. So now you might be wondering why I’m doing this. Why am I sharing my strategies? Why am I creating competition for myself? 

There’s Enough for All of Us

My reasons for sharing my strategies with you are deeper and far more personal than I can share on the internet. 

But it all boils down to the belief that in the vast penny stocks market of today, there’s enough to go around. 

The thing is, only those who are serious about trading—and becoming full-time traders—will ever truly become competition. Most will read the books, do a few investments and then just forget about the whole business. 

If you’re willing to do what it takes—to study, to learn, to adapt and to apply, then this is for you. 

Every journey starts with the first step. You’ve already taken it. Now it’s up to you...

What’s Your Next Step?

Now that you know why these ‘‘brilliant’’ trading platforms and copy strategies don’t work, it’s time to take action on something that will. 

Getting the right foundation. 

In the below free book, you’ll learn real strategies that I’ve bet thousands—tens of thousands on. And profited.

These strategies are all tested and applied in the real world before being penned down for you to learn, so you won’t be learning just another gimmick. Or just another half explained strategy. No. I leave nothing out. 

You’ll be learning strategies that work. Period. 

The book’s ready and waiting to be shipped to your door. All you need to do is pay for shipping—and then learn and apply these strategies. 

When you’re ready to get serious about trading—and get the best possible head start—then click here.

Daniel Regan


Penny Stocks 

Behind the Scenes 1:

A Glance into the World of Penny Stocks

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